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Using a compost thermometer is the key to making good-quality compost which can restore soil health back to your land. This is the tool you will use to determine when the pile needs to be turned. 

Digital Compost Thermometer

This Thermometer has a 1-meter-long probe which is designed to measure the heat at the centre of your compost thermometer. 


The robust build is perfect for any composting operation large or small.


The digital display gives you accurate readings from the tip of the 1-meter probe.

Soilscopes compost thermometer


Order yours today!

Each thermometer goes for R1350.00 and comes with a specialised hard cover case to protect the longevity of each thermometer. We offer direct shipping options with international delivery available.


The purchase of a compost thermometer qualifies you for a 25% discount on our Living Soil and Composting Guide. This is the perfect companion for your new compost thermometer to guide you on turning temperatures, compost recipes, moisture guidance and much more.

SoilScopes compost thermometer

Order your compost thermometer 

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